Welcome to website of project HomeLESS

The objective of this project is provide a cross-platform free LASER shooting simulator and accessories available to the average user. The simulator is available for the operating system GNU/Linux and MS Windows and is available for FREE.

Basic infornation you find at info page:

English info

Informace v češtině

Visit the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HomeLaserShooting

HomeLESS mean Home LASER Shooting Simulator and is a free software. Anybody can download the source code and improve it oneself. HomeLESS is developed in open source programming language and environment Processing

Contain of this webpage is under following licence: CC BY-SA 3.0



The great update just started.

13/11/2013 21:37
We are changing website structure for greater clarity. In the next few days will be added to the...

Working in progress

14/10/2013 20:19
Downloading is much easier now. New download site is used. Now you can use Google drive to...
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