
No.0 The missing video (General problem)

After a start of Hit Analyzer there is not present the video view via webcam:


There can be two known reasons:

1) Webcam is not connected to computer.

    Check cable from webcam to computer.

2) Webcam is not set properly in ini file.

    Check value of webcam in ini file.

No.1 The missing library (GNU/Linux - Ubuntu problem)

This "problem" is common on GNU/Linux Ubuntu, because of standard installation, there are some library which are missing.

You can recognize this problem from console output. You can see in error messages this string: 'Unable to load library 'gstreamer-0.10'

So, for the solution you found here: and

You found advice to install these devel libraries: libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev, libgstreamer0.10-dev, libglib2.0-dev

No.2 The missing gstreamer module (Windows problem)

This problem comes with different version of MS Windows. The main problem is that different version of windows looking for gstreamer in different directories. These directories are 'Hit_Analyzer/lib/gstreamer' and 'Hit_Analyzer/gstreamer'.
You can recognize this problem from console output:

You can see in error messages this string: UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'gio-2.0'

The solution is simple. If you found this problem just move the folder named 'gstreamer' to right directory. If is in 'lib' directory, move it one directory up and conversely.